They're here! The GMACKRR private-performace single-cuts, as discussed in the
Jam Camp post. GMACKRR is from Tarbes and lives in Montreal. Fluorescent Friends sponsored her visa application and it still stands as probably the best move the company has ever made. As a composer and performer she has toured extensively in North America and Europe. She is the designer and builder of an analog synthesizer which is currently her principal performance instrument; she previously worked with toys and a big black thing called KORG. In Montreal she is equally recognized as a concert organizer, radio host, and carries the distinction of being the designer of the lovely Get your own private audience with GMACKRR. Five unique performances cut directly to disc; you are purchasing the master, the recordings exist in no other form, digital or otherwise. Save for the tiny snippets that appear in the video I will soon post. In the meantime, dig the video of her live set posted in the video zone ------>

We have 5, she has the remaining 10, with her own personal artwork. But you gotta go
SEE HER PLAY on tour to get one of those. These we sell to you for $15 plus postage.
PAYPAL: blakehargreaves $ at % gmail + dot * com
canada + usa Lps are 7 dollars for one, +3 for each additional
overseas add 15 for first lp, +5 for each additional
tapes and cds and 7"s shipping = half these amounts
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